Tonight, I was very tempted to breeze past Saskatoon, where we stopped, and keep trucking for Edmonton. Realizing that we wouldn't arrive until around 1 am, that it would have meant over 15 hours in the truck for the girls, and that nobody would be awake to greet us, leaving me to set up the trailer in the wee hours of the morning, made me pull over to a RV park I stayed at with my family when Leia and I moved to Edmonton in 2004. I don't remember if the mosquitoes were bad then or not, but I'm going a bit nuts. I was completely swarmed when setting up, and was forced to keep the kids in all night. I had bugs trying to bite my eyelids, as it was virtually the only exposed skin available. I've gone on several hunts tonight with a flashlight in the trailer tonight, and cringe every time I leave a little spot of blood where a mosquito once rested. I always hope it is my blood, and not the girls - especially not Evelyn's, as she will be left itching all night, poor girl. Crazily, when I walked to the restroom earlier, there was an older gentleman sitting out with his partner and another couple playing cards, without a shirt. He has had ample real estate available for mosquitoes to make use of .... maybe it is the sweet Ontario blood (the old guy's RV had Alberta plates), or perhaps I'm psychologically weak. Bugs, especially mosquitoes, deer flies, and black flies, are my least favourite part of being outdoors. I think I'd rather fight off a swarm of bears (admittedly, I do have a Brad Pitt Legends of the Fall death wish at times). I thought Winnipeg's mosquitoes were bad last night (they were!), but they have nothing on the little blood sucking fiends here in Saskatoon.
Today was the longest day of driving solo with the girls. Almost 800 kms. The girls spent nearly 10 hours in the truck, with only a few stops along the way. We left Randy and Olive's around 10 am this morning, having to do very little packing or prepping. In fact, I didn't even have to do all of the girl's hair.
Randy has been a mentor to me in many ways, including hair braiding. Despite three girls, I've never bothered (cared) to learn the art, especially given that my girls tend to complain when getting their hair done. I'll try to learn on this trip. If only Marley would sit as still for me!
One of our only stops was in Gladstone. I grabbed a coffee and a few treats at their little bakery, and we made lunch at Happy Rock. I have always liked Happy Rock, but became an even bigger fan today when I learned that he is also a washroom. Despite the long drive, and the fact that the kids have spent a lot of time in the truck, today was another great day. The worst part was the heat. The best part was when we started waving at trains heading East, and they would blow their horns. In total, we had three trains lay on their horns for us. It was a lot of fun.
The kids also got their candy bracelets today as we entered Saskatchewan. It was a highly anticipated treat, and one that I admittedly used as leverage a few times. I have to give the kids a tonne of credit - they've be remarkable on the drive. There have been a few pinches, some mean words, some sass, and the occasional whines (mostly from Evelyn), but mostly cooperation and kindness. They have not only played well together, they've been fun to travel with. I'd do this trip again, no problem.... although I do think I'd need a few days off before attempting it. I'm sure my nerves are more frayed than I am admitting to myself, and I'm taking out the stress on mosquitoes.
Candy bracelets!
Which brings me to beer #6 - Sawdust City Brewing Co's Lone Pine IPA. I've really looked forward to sitting down each night and unwrapping my gift beer. It turns out that I've never had any of the six before, making it all the more special. I'll be sad tomorrow when I realize that there is no red-papered beer sitting in the cooler for me. No note full of quips and humour to end my night. It has been a great way to end the day, and to cut through some of the stress, so many thanks to Marc and Celene again for their thoughtfulness and generosity.
During the drive, I have often found myself thinking about what it is I'm thinking. I try to catch myself unaware, which of course is very difficult to do. What am I thinking about when I'm not thinking, but just thinking. You know, the "stop trying to hit me and hit me" Matrix kind of stuff. Today was an especially good day to get lost in thoughts without thinking, as I passed yellow canola fields for hours with hardly a turn of the wheel. Many of my thoughts were about this journey, and what it means for myself, my girls, my family. I've thought of the friends we've reluctantly left behind in KW, knowing we'll miss out on plenty of fun times. I've thought about how nice it will be to see friends in Edmonton and beyond. I think about how sad it will be to know that our time with Peyton, Lucas, Seth and Kayla will be so short. I've also thought about how much fun it will be to camp with Leia, and to not have to be solely responsible for every little task. But mostly, I realized that I've just listened. I spend a lot of the time listening to the girls talk, bicker about who gets what toy, or giggle about some silly joke. I've listened as each tries to sing along to the songs that we've listened to over and over. I think I've tried to empty my mind of all thoughts so that my mind may absorb as much as possible. (Yes, I know, I am sappy, sentimental fool - as Leia says, I'm just a giant marshmallow inside.... mmmm, marshmallows - I'm going to eat one right now!).
Almost there. Tomorrow, we arrive in Edmonton. I've enjoyed blogging, and some people have told me they've enjoyed reading (thanks, Mom!), so I'll keep blogging the rest of journey, and likely beyond.
If only writing a thesis was this enjoyable!
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